Figurtive Painting 2020
(selected works)Mother Dearest
Oil on Canvas
140 x 115 cm
140 x 115 cm
Not the Big Wagon
Oil, pigments on Canvas115 x 90 cm
The Big Gulp
Oil on Canvas120 x 110 cm

Figurtive Painting 2020
(selected works)Morning Reflection
Oil on Canvas
140x 140 cm
140x 140 cm
Waiting for ....
Oil on Canvas115 x 100 cm
smile, Humpty, smile
Oil on Canvas
115 x 100 cm

Figurtive Painting 2019
(selected works)
Mother Nature
Oil on Canvas200 x 155 cm
Ageing Clown on Pink Beach
Oil on Canvas150 x 135 cm

Figurtive Painting 2019
(selected works)Portrait of a Deaf Man
Oil on Canvas
145 x 100 cm

Figurtive Painting 2018
(selected works)Not a Toy
Oil & Oilpastels on Canvas
200 x 89 cm
200 x 89 cm
Oil on Canvas200 x 140 cm

Untitled 2018
Insulationfoam, Wire & Newspaper
55 x 45 x 28cm
55 x 45 x 28cm

Figurtive Painting 2018
(selected works)3 Ages of Man
Oil on canvas210x200cm

Figurtive Painting 2017
(selected works)Grace I
Oil on Canvas
Grace II
Oil on Canvas30x45cm
Grace III
Oil on Canvas30x45cm

Creating emptiness, thus ridding the seen of function and meaning. Is a street still a street if no one drives it? What purpose has a chair, if it is not in use?Excerpts from the exhibition Untitled , 2010